Saturday, March 28, 2009

I'M BRing BACK Something This summer......

I read the Justin Timberlake was bringing Sexy back. I think it is his tour.

Well DavieBoy is bring something back as well this year. I want to decide what would be best to bring back this summer.
I could bring back Sassy,

I could bring back Spazzy,

I could bring back Cool

or how about bringing back Heartfelt Enthusiasm?

Let me know what I should bring back this summer and by damn I'll bring it back.


K.Booth said...

How back bringing back Mcdonald's urine sample cups to go along with their biggie menu items?

Butch Tiger said...

the rest of the world will never know how funny that is to me and kelli and especially Jamie. dc

Ferguson Family said...

I'm game for bringing back sassy Dave...let me know when she's back.

Wight Family said...

Oh they all look pretty good Dave.
How about Invento though?

Thanks for the honk & wave this morning! Good to see you up and ate em! Man has it been cold that early!

The Huntsville Dunns said...

I think you should do what Justin Timberlake did, and bring back sexy!!!! Jamie has a shirt that you could borrow...hahahaha. You might have to ask NIck about that one!

Butch Tiger said...

I could do what vic said and bring back Inventor man or Up and atom man or do what Karra said, bring back Justin Timberlack, Oh, wait I didn't read that right did I? I could bring back Sexy by using jamie's shirt. I'll ask her. Thanks you two for the good ideas. I may want to bring Sassy back also.