Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I was going down the canyon and I had this still small voice sound in my ear. It was the voice of my Dad or Grandpa. He was an avid DI hunter. I said, "What? What do you want? Go to the DI. Now? Why? I'll be shown the way?" So not wanting to cause a problem with spiritual things I drove to the DI and called Grandma on the way and told her I needed to go somewhere important and that I was on a secret mission to rob a bank and take some hostages and hold them for ransom and cut off a finger every hour until my demands are met. She didn't hear me but she said, "You're a good son-in-law and nobody knows how much pain I'm in and ..blah, blah, blah. Anyway when I walked into the store and there was a light that shown down from the ceiling like a beacon guiding me to the men's shoe rack. The light shown directly on a pair of shoes. I said to myself, "These are 2 sizes too big. How will I keep them on? By wearing two pair of socks? How do I keep the two pair of socks from bunching up toward my toes inside the shoes? Use tape above my ankles? Isn't this a lot of trouble? Buy the shoes? Don't run in them or make a sudden turn? Why? Oh, they'll come off! Are you sure? I am feeling kinda put out then I remembered how many times Grandpa said he was a secret buyer for the DI and I felt like I needed to do this one thing. "Are you sure?" OK, OK, I'll buy the damn shoes." So I did and I felt like Grandpa and I connected somehow at the DI where one man's crap can become another man's crap like magic.


K.Booth said...

The hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers, Finally this scripture makes sense!! great post I laughed the entire time reading about the shoes being two sizes too big.

Butch Tiger said...

Kel, if the kids want to use them for snow shoes let me know. Even Chad could use them for snow shoes. dc

Tiffanie said...

So many hidden treasures in the DI. I am glad you found what you were (or weren't) looking for.

Wight Family said...

What about using them for skiis?
Those shoes did actually look quite cozy.

I'm also a secret DI shopper. I feel guided there often.