Monday, March 9, 2009

FAMILY FUN FACTS series-Guess which kid did this:

After an overnight sleep-out I said, "How did you put the fire out?" They said, "We peed on it." Just who do you think did that? There are only three choices.


Rip Curl Mom said...

My money's on your son unless Kelli and Jamie are uber talented!

K.Booth said...

I can prove my innocence, David can too..........Jamie well, lets see.............hmm.......innocent?.........I don't think so.

Wight Family said...

I bet Jamie is really talented at peeing in a cup and pouring its contents...

Now I for one am not talented in this area. We won't go there.

But David hasn't come to plead his case either.... hmmm.

Wight Family said...

I keep checking back to see if lil Dave has said anything... Maybe Jamie is innocent?

Still way funny though DC!

bskeith said...

I have to say that KiKi was a little quick to plead innocence. I happen to know she has pretty good aim, and a high tolerance for pain...

Carver said...

Is it just because I am a boy and can aim that I am being accused? You are all so sexist. But If I did do it can you blame me?

Butch Tiger said...

So, who hasn't checked in yet? Gee, I wonder.

njfroerer said...

Well--here started like this...One summer night in the fields of middlefork three young, beautiful, innocent, yet wise girls decided to have a cookout. That summer had been a very dry-- therefore fires had been banned. But, nothing was impossible for these 14 year olds.

Their parents, leader, and teachers had taught them well. They taught them never to give up on their dreams and most importantly--to be resourceful. As they illegially started the fire the thought of being caught scared them, but not enough to stop their fun. Roasting weenies, smores, and singing "Kumbah yah my Lord" was something the girls had dreamed of all their lives.

It was time to call it a night. After much deliberation of the relization that there was no water to be had...the impossible was done. talents were developed and no one got hurt. Their skills were put to the test.

Legend has it that the spirits of the three young beauties still roam the area singing "Kumbah yah my Lord."

Butch Tiger said...

I've heard their mornful cries late at night and the melody of Kum bye Ya drifts through the trees whenever a fire is built and marshmellows are roasted. They say you can see the shadows of three young girls behind trees late at night. It's pretty spooky that's all I can say. dc