Sunday, January 4, 2009

Outiside the Box

So I have this goofy pair of house slippers that keep falling off my feet when I go up or down stairs. The solution? I wear them on the wrong feet and Wa-la (How do you spell that?) they stay on. Another solution would be to buy new slippers.


K.Booth said...

Now I know why Tanno wears his shoes on the wrong feet. great post!!

Wight Family said...

Ah, there is a reason.

I feel like your that wise man that sits at the top of the mountain and I get to just glean your wisdom.

Butch Tiger said...

Sad thing is I think Tanno started the trend and also LuLu. She wears different ones. That I haven't tried. I wish I had all the answers but when I get one and it is stolen I just say that it's mine anyway-unles the person I stole it from is in the room then I say, "great idea!"