Monday, January 12, 2009

New Invention-Beard Hair protectors

Do you realize how much beard hair winds up on the floor? Well, if someone didn't cut their beard for a year that's how much there would be. This stuff is ground into the carpet or tile so Davie Boy has invented something to solve the problem. I get the old desk calenders that have a bunch of pages left-the kind that lay on the dest and you write on them, and then put them under me while I shave. Cool idea and very useful. I don't bother trying to get more than one shave out of them because they wouldn't be disposable then would they? Davieboy is inventin' like crazy.

1 comment:

Wight Family said...

My grandmother taught me that the use of a slightly damp toilet paper or kleenex or q-tip can reach and extract those itty bitty teeny tiny hairs that you men seem to leave behind the faucet in the bathroom after shaving.

Priceless advice in my relationship. I'll invest in some large sized calendar sheets for the floormat.

Thanks Dave!