I want to help all those that don't know about the NBA's "dirty little secret." Now I ask you, how many times have the Jazz been behind all of the game then at the last possible moment they come from behind and win? How many times has the "home" team won at the buzzer? Well the truth is the NBA and the WWF (World Wrestling Federation) are run by the same people. It is completely rigged so that people will get their money's worth.
When Larry Miller hired John Stockdale and Carl Malone(the truck driving car salesman) he said as they were walking out of the room, "Now be sure to make it exciting for the fan, if you know what I mean." and as he said it he "winked." The "wink" means lose until the last second and then hit a half-court shot.
Now, another good example is Mike Jordan. Now the Chicago Buffs would be behind by 20 points and there is only 1 minute left and the coach, the one that doesn't shave, says in the huddle, "Mike, take the blindfold off and untie your leg and win this game." Mke would say, "OK."
So what would happen? Mike would hit the basket everytime he threw the ball. He would stick his tongue out, close his eyes and throw the ball into the rafters and win the game. He knew the "dirty little secret" of the NBA.
The WWF works the same way. They know who is going to win months ahead of the match. Then here's the real trick. You say, "Why would the other team "throw" the game?" Hello! Because they split the earnings 50-50. The NBA does it the same way. Give the people what they want and they will pay. That's what happens.
I never realized... and then Detective Dave lets the secret out.
Thanks Dave!
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