Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hypo con dree act---act

Sometimes Grandma or most older people focus too much on their health as that's all they have to do. Recently, Grandma thought her face was going to explode because it was so painful. Her sinuses and jaws were really hurting her. After threats of needing to be taken the to emergency room, I finally relented and said I would get her to a doctor. I thought how much it was going to cost and how much time it would take and how far away an appointment was going to be. So I made an appointment with her dentist as he's really good at getting her in. I took her to the dentist and he took a lot of X-Rays(she loves stuff like that) and gave her a prescription for a low dose of antibiotic. This was really good since it was fast and cost a lot less. I went to the "pharma"(as she calls it) and bought a small pack of Tic-Tacs thinking that would be just as good. I took the label off and said they were miracle pills and that they would taste like candy-it was a new marketing strategy they were trying out. As it turned out, she was great and the pain went away and for half the cost and her breath is much improved also. A happy ending.


Rip Curl Mom said...

I love miracle drugs!

K.Booth said...

You should've been a doctor instead of a genius -Loved the post!! I think you need to start a blog about stories detailing the caretaking experiences of children and their aging parents. It would be a hit and then you could get tic tacs to pay for advertising space!!

Tiffanie said...

You took her to the dentist and let them take x-rays? That is just asking for a cavity! And don't forget the all new topical "paint on" fluoride for only $22 to top it all off.