Friday, May 22, 2009

I know I'm getting Older because............

I have had thoughts like, I'm driving down the road and I think, "oh, my hell, I forgot how to drive and I can't remember how far away from a fire hydrant one can park. Is it 20 feet or 200 feet?" I found out when I took the drivers test that the scoreing officer will give you a correct answer if it is more conservative. Like the question was; what is the speed limit in a school zone? I said 2 mph and he said that's wrong but if you believe that you'll be ok. So he gave me the question right. I find my self trying to justify speeding around the damn. I think I'll say, on a curve your radar won't be accurate because I was on the outside lane. I use my mother in laws disability parking pass that is expired but if I get caught I'll say, "2008? Are you sure? Oh, my hell she gave me the wrong one. She's blind you know." I think that will work. or, This trailer is under 750 lbs and so it doesn't need lights. If I can lift the corner off the ground will you believe it's under that weight? Of course I'd have to say I had a bad back. Anyway, I'm getting older and I'm thinking older. The other day a pretty girl walked by me in the hall and I thought "gee, I sure hope I don't break wind right now."


Ferguson Family said...

I'll give you that Dave, nothing worse than breaking wind near a pretty girl.

K.Booth said...

You know you are getting older when you say,"I am just going to sit here and take a nap, while I watch Lu Lu and Nanner."

Butch Tiger said...

I better not be sleeping watching them as they would jump in the car and drive to town and go shopping.